Meeting with Bruer Tidman today and going through edit on The Great Yarmouth Project as tomorrow meeting with Mark to discuss the design. From three thousand images to four hundred prints and on to the final edit.
Mapping the prints is seeking a pattern, a colour, a shape, content, composition, the shifts from vertical to horizontal, finding an overall sensibility that is multifarious as a dream and all the while combines the lightest touch to a series of fleeting moments.
It's all a bit raw so staying at the circus this week!
Mark Cator, 2018, the Hippodrome Circus, Great Yarmouth
Mark Cator, 2018, the Hippodrome Circus, Great Yarmouth
Mark Cator, 2018, the Hippodrome Circus, Great Yarmouth
Mark Cator, 2018, the Hippodrome Circus, Great Yarmouth
Mark Cator, 2018, the Hippodrome Circus, Great Yarmouth
Mark Cator, 2018, the Hippodrome Circus, Great Yarmouth